I Have A Red Bump On My Penis

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You have described my exact condition. Did you ever figure out what it was? If, so how did you treat it? Any help would be great. Thanks.

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When spots, lumps, or rashes appear on the penis, men often fear they have a sexually transmitted disease. Learn about the other potential causes.

Charlie’s penis is enlarged and pussing but the puss is not excessive. I really only noticed something was amiss with the puss yesterday. However, upon r

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Your skin does some amazing work. It protects you from the elements, heals its own wounds, and even grows your hair. With all that going on, things are bound to go wrong once in a while. If you have sore red bumps that look like pimples, especially where you shave, you may have folliculitis, a

The ingrown hair on penis is a pimple-like bump found on the penile area. The patient may have more than one ingrown hair. They manifest as pin down tan thuds, and they are normally pus-filled if infected.

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Doctor – Last week, I noticed a bump on the shaft of my penis that was smaller than a dime and a bit itchy. I thought it was an insect bit, but it eventually became a small sore which I treated with Neosporin.

i had a huge bump (like a little marble, looked almost like a nipple) on the my inner left thigh and is was kinda tender, i had one around that area there before but not this big , its been a couple months since i had the 1st one, anyways i tried popp

Angiokeratomas. Angiokeratoma are harmless lesion commonly seen on scrotum, shaft of penis and glans penis in men. They appear as tiny black, blue, or dark red dome-shaped bumps with scaly surface.

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It is not common to find all sorts of lumps and bumps on the penis and scrotum. This can often get you very worried. But very often these lumps are benign and do not indicate any STDs or any other diseases.

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