Fat Running

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Mirna Valerio, the genius behind Fat teen Running, received a horrible message from a hater regarding running and her weight—and she responded.

A blog about being an active larger teen in a thinner world via the individual yet universal sport of running. Ambassador for Skirtsports and Merrell, Swiftwick Athlete.

Running after several hours of fasting does not mean you have no fuel. Muscle glycogen stores and adipose tissue both provide abundant fuel for energy. By

What if I told you conventional “running workouts” are secretly sabotaging your fitness levels, piling on belly fat and killing your testosterone production

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Running For Fat Or Obese People, Tips On How To Start Running – My Beginner Running Blog Entries

Ever since I was a I remember being very winded when I had to climb up to the top of my building. And since lately I’ve been strapped for time, I decided to start running …

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A blog about a freelance photographer and culinarian who’s life depended on a lifestyle adjustment. Join me on my ed journey filled with spontaneity, ups and downs, eating like a fat ass on a budget while maintaining your marbles, fitness and li

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What happens when weight loss stops? You do more cardio. Here are 5 reasons why that might not be your best approach to burn fat.

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Thank you starchile, C25k is never easy for a fat teen, but it’s a start and it’s a means to an end… I could never go into a gym the size I am, I remember finding it intimidating when I was slim so there’s no way I could do it now, so my running’s always on the road.

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You’ve been eating right and exercising for a while, but that stubborn belly fat just won’t budge! Along with incorporating foods that fight fat into your

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