Cum Laude Resume

Here’s an eye-catching resume for someone with a good amount of work experience.

Steve Cerveris, principal of CERVERIS MEDIATION, assists lawyers and their clients with the resolution of litigated and non-litigated disputes in a unique professional setting.

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199__ present University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, B.A. in Social Sciences, Psychology; Expected Graduation Date: May, 1998 (Award)

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Graduate with Latin honors? Find out how to list Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Summa Cum Laude on your professional resume or CV.

Writing a successful Information Technology (IT) resume can be tricky. Use this professionally written sample and our writing tips to help you build yours.

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Summa cum laude definition, with highest praise: used in diplomas to grant the highest of three special honors for grades above the average. See more.

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The Grade Point Average (GPA) requirements for Latin Honors vary slightly and may be particular to a specific college or university. There is no specific GPA for cum laude. It can vary in different universities depending on the choice of the university board, however the cum laude is always the

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Cum laude is an academic level of distinction used by educational institutions to signify an academic degree which was received “with honor.”

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Jack Kane founded EPI, Inc. in 1994, for the purpose of developing and producing high-performance vehicle propulsion systems. He is, and has been from the outset, the CEO, CFO, engineer, machinist, welder, mechanic, purchasing manager, webmaster, accountant, and janitor.

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